UPDATE (as of 6/10/22):
We are currently unable to offer procedures with anesthesia, including dental cleanings. Sorry for the inconvenience. However, we will recommend other options.
A Clean Mouth Means A Healthy Pet
Just like humans, your pet needs dental care for good health. A great dental plan involves routine dental exams, professional cleanings with x-rays, and at home dental care.
We encourage you to have your pet's teeth cleaned at the first sign of tarter buildup. Dental disease leads to infections in the mouth that can spread to other organs in the body, especially the kidneys and heart. Your pet is much more likely to need to have teeth extracted if they are not cleaned early. Early dental care is important to helping your pet stay healthier and your pet will live longer.
We offer dental cleanings (performed under anesthesia) to fully examine and clean the mouth. Before anesthesia, blood tests will be performed on your pet to identify any possible underlying health issues. All pets receive IV fluids while under anesthesia to maintain proper blood pressure and protect the kidneys. For more information about anesthesia, click here. Once under anesthesia, we have a well educated team of assistants and technicians that work with the doctor to monitor your pet's vital sings, examine the mouth, and find any hidden dental problems. A full dental cleaning is then performed including cleaning under the gum line. This is where dental problems usually start.
We advise full mouth x-rays to better monitor your pet's dental health. We offer digital dental x-rays as these allow us to take high quality pictures quickly. An x-ray machines specifically designed for teeth is required to get good pictures (some veterinary offices don't have this), and digital is the best and fastest option. If there is an indication that a tooth has problems, we may need to extract it or perform another procedure. Your pet will receive pain medicine to ensure a smooth, painless recovery. In addition, all pets who have teeth extracted will receive a laser therapy treatment which speeds up healing and reduces inflammation. This is offered at no additional cost.
Working with you, we can help determine the best home dental care plan for your pet. There are several options available to help keep those pearly whites. Even with the best of plans, our pets still need to have their teeth professionally cleaned regularly, usually once a year. Humans brush their teeth twice a day and should have their teeth cleaned every 6 months. Your pet's teeth are similar. Taking care of your pet's teeth at home, however, will increase the time between needed cleanings.